(he is manily a character for a Final fantisy rp keep that in mind)
Bio: a 1st class soilder he was friends with Zack and Cloud Striff but unlike Cloud he stayed in soilder up until the prez was killed after that he became a man for hire he was made to fight and he is very good at it he has only four limt breaks but they are ment to be used on a group
Name: Rock
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Hazle
Personality: kind at times and short temperd
Likes: to fight and prove he is strong
Dislikes: loseing and being called short
Race: Human with jenova cells
Weapons: fire and ice metira and his blast saber
Limt breaks: Omineslash small, Hell maker, slashshot and burst starter
Burst moves: heat slash, burst slash and burst end
states: low hp fast limt building strong attack low defence against magic and weapons